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Contact information

Please note the information you provide below is for the attending delegates only. If you are registering on behalf on someone else please complete the form with their details.

Invoice Information

If you do not have an eircode or do not know our eircode please enter 00

VAT Status

If your company (A) holds a VAT Exempt 56B Form or (B) based outside of Ireland and requires VAT exemption, please, contact our accounts receivable team ([email protected]), who will guide you through the next steps for payment. Your VAT exemption will be applied only if you meet the specified criteria.

Consent and Privacy Agreements

Important information

Privacy Policy
Enterprise Ireland is committed to its transparency obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our data protection notice for personal data that is supplied to us by our clients is available here. This notice contains important information about how we process personal data that is supplied to us by clients. We request that you read the notice carefully and that you ensure that it is made available to any data subjects (e.g. your employees) whose personal data you provide to us.

Registration fees
100 available

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Registration summary
Prices Tax/VAT excl.
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